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How drunk driving offenders can benefit from DWI court

It’s two weeks before Christmas, and our readers likely know that the public service announcements bemoaning drunk driving prevention are arguably just as plentiful as retailers’ ads. Of course, additional patrols will be in force during week between Christmas and New Year’s.  And yes, we support the efforts of law enforcement agencies because prevention is essential in reducing drunk driving accidents (thereby saving lives).

However, we believe that DWI courts have not received the recognition deserved for their roles in changing the culture of DWI enforcement across Minnesota.

Essentially, DWI courts have worked in deterring repeat drunk drivers where stiffer monetary penalties and increased jail time has not; especially with hard core offenders. Helping these drivers address alcohol addiction and their related problems.  By focusing on treatment and correcting destructive behavior, DUI courts through these courts have been instrumental in reducing the number of fatal accidents caused by drunk drivers.

Arguably the most important aspect of DWI courts is the praise that offenders receive when reaching important milestones that lead to lifestyle changes.

So how do you know if you are a candidate for DWI court? After all, most people with alcohol problems are reluctant to admit that such a problem exists. Additionally, it could be particularly embarrassing if your holidays are derailed by a stint in jail as you are waiting to sober up.

We understand these things, and want to reiterate that a DWI arrest is not the end of the world. Rather it can be the beginning of a new one. So if you have been arrested for drunk driving for a second time, or have been charged with a DWI that includes a BAC of .15 or above, chances are that your case may be referred DWI court. An experienced drunk driving defense attorney can advise you on your rights and options.

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