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Three helpful tips in defending child care investigations

The notion of having your child day care license being revoked or rescinded may sound extreme; especially if you have not had any complaints or investigations against you before. However, such a result is not far-fetched given the sensitive nature of child protection complaints and the high level of trust that necessary for parents to leave their children at a day care center. In fact, what should seem like the last resort may be the only resort when it comes to protecting children in day care.

Because of this, knowing how to defend yourself against an investigation is critical. This post will provide a few helpful tips in the event you are subject to a DHS inquiry.

Common defenses to child abuse allegations

Being accused of child abuse or child maltreatment can send you into depths that you never believed you could sink to. This is likely because the stigma our society places on people accused of such crimes is probably worse than those accused on sex crimes.

However, the notion that the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty is a bedrock standard of our legal system. Because of this, there are a number of defenses that may be raised in order to defend one’s self against abuse allegations. This post will highlight a few.

Ignition interlock laws appear to be working

With as many public service announcements bemoaning drunk driving have aired during the holiday season, drinking and driving is still a problem in Minnesota and throughout the United States. However, a change in the law regarding the use of ignition interlock devices may be helping drivers think twice before getting behind the wheel.

According to a recent report, ignition interlock laws appear to be working. The article highlighted a study finding that traffic fatalities dropped by seven percent in states that require convicted drunk drivers to install ignition interlock devices. The study tracked fatalities during a five year period before states started requiring interlock devices.

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