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Twin Cities Criminal Law Blog

How to protect your nursing license from disputes

Nursing is a challenging, exhausting and often thankless job. Nevertheless, you chose this profession because of the intangible rewards. While many days include long hours on your feet, ungrateful patients and demanding doctors, you probably go home satisfied that you are making a difference in a noble profession.

Because you work closely with people, and their physical care is often in your hands, you are also under close scrutiny. You may not even be aware of how easily you may lose your professional license for an honest mistake or misunderstanding.

What should I know about arraignments?

If you have been arrested and charged with a sex crime in Minnesota, it is understandable that you will have questions about the criminal justice process, or when you will be free from the allegations against you. You may also be concerned with when you may be released from custody, (if you are in jail). Before the process can begin, the accused has to be arraigned. This post will briefly describe what it entails.

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