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Twin Cities Criminal Law Blog

The Minnesota Board of Cosmetologist Examiners announces new rules

Cosmetologists, nail technicians, instructors and aestheticians are facing new rules that go into effect in mid-September. Salon owners, schools and individual cosmetologists who rely on their professional license to make a living can expect not only stricter guidelines, but greater scrutiny when the new rules take effect on September 13. State regulators have added more than 500 new rules, and are looking to increase the number of inspectors who drop in on salons to look for potential rule violations.

What is an expungement and will it work for me?

In our last post, we discussed how being unable to get out of jail may affect how people plead to crimes, even if there is a good chance that they would be found not guilty at trial. Essentially, the need to get out of jail may lead people to plea to lesser crimes, without knowing the future consequences of pleading guilty.

The problems with being in jail before trial

Being arrested and charged with a crime can be traumatizing. This much we know for sure. But for those who cannot afford to post bail and go free until their next hearing date (or trial) the odds of mounting a viable defense are certainly tougher. Indeed, people who sit in jail awaiting trial are at a significant disadvantage within the criminal justice system. This post will explain why.

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