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Twin Cities Criminal Law Blog

What should I know about arraignments?

If you have been arrested and charged with a sex crime in Minnesota, it is understandable that you will have questions about the criminal justice process, or when you will be free from the allegations against you. You may also be concerned with when you may be released from custody, (if you are in jail). Before the process can begin, the accused has to be arraigned. This post will briefly describe what it entails.

Can a criminal court order lead to debtors’ prison

Everyone who has been issued a citation or has been ordered to pay court costs (and fines) has been there. When you have to make a choice between paying rent or buying diapers for a child and paying court imposed fees, what do you choose? More likely than not, the choice is made to maintain the necessities in life (i.e. shelter, buying food, paying utilities). When this occurs, people in arrears run the risk of having warrants issued for their arrest.

Do you really know about consent?

In just a few weeks, tens of thousands of new students will began their first semester of college. While much of the conversations across America will be about the new college football season, few will be talking about what should be the most important conversation between new students.

The importance of protecting kids charged with sex offenses

Kids being charged with a criminal act can be tough enough on the child and his or her family. Being a juvenile charged with a sex crime brings a number of difficulties that children should not have to go through. Unfortunately, given the social stigma that comes with sex crimes in our society, it is possible for presumptions to follow a child as they grow up; leading to questions about their worthiness for college admission, eligibility for scholarships and their ability to secure certain types of employment.

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